Happy 80th Birthday, Bob Dylan

What can I say? I've been listening to Dylan for most of my life (at least 55 of my almost 70 years). The only time I saw him in concert was when he was in his "Slow Train Coming" period, which included some good songs ("Serve Somebody") and a great band, but no dipping into the catalogue. But his songs have been part of my personal soundtrack across radio, vinyl, cassettes, CDs, downloads and streaming, from specific albums ("Highway 61 Revisited," "Blood on the Tracks," "Triplicate") to collections ("Biograph," "The Essential," the latter of which I am playing this morning). I have "Tarantula," which I quoted in my college-graduation bio (which was otherwise quite terrible), and "Chronicles." There are so many songs I love. Even when the covers are great, I find more to hold to in Dylan's versions. Some songs (with a few more added since I first posted the list, because there is so mu...