
Viewing of late has included "The Assistant" (pictured above), "The Old Guard," "Black and Blue,," "The Morning Show" and "Athlete A" along with a rewatch of "Bombshell," a cumulative contemplation of what women must endure -- and the evil men do. And then there's "Greyhound," where a woman appears in the most token fashion imaginable. Especially disturbing is the documentary "Athlete A" on Netflix, an examination of the horror inflicted on women gymnasts and the myriad ways people in power tried to hush it up. Unflinching in its description of the sexual abuse, unblinking in noting how the authorities added to the abuse by trying to intimidate the truth-tellers, almost unbearably agonizing as the women tell their stories -- stunning, agonizing work. And, sadly, not the only production dealing with such horrors. The absorbing "The Assistant" (now on disc) is mercifully brief -- under 90 minute...